Buxaccepted Forum

It is Your Life

Started by catalle 2016-06-21 at 10:09
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 273
Hello everyone!The first
topic did not receive many
replies. If there are topics
you would like to see posted.
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will be posted "1st come,1st
served",meaning I will post
in the order they come in.
Here is today's topic, what
would you do in this situation?

Topic: Should a person who is suffering from a terminal illness be able to end their life?

Life is a gift from your parents decision to bring you to this world! Death is your choice!

If your suffering is greater than the people who will miss you when you die! Then choose Death else survive a few more days!
Posts: 273
I believe that we all should have that choice.
If I was terminally ill,and and in tragic pain,
I would want my life to end. And would be
sure that my loved one's would understand.
It is better to pass on than to spend your
last days in pain and suffering!